Le Royaume du Maroc est situé à l'extrémité nord-ouest de l'Afrique. Il a été sous protectorat français et espagnol de 1912 à 1956, date à laquelle il a obtenu son indépendance.
1910; 1917 Issues
B201 (
- MK501
- P-1
- Imprimerie: BdF
- 164 x 95mm
- Duval, G. FEC
- Jouenne, L. INV
B202 (
Violet, yellow, blue.
- MK502
- P-2
Violet, yellow, blue.
- Imprimerie: BdF
- 180 x 105mm
- Desfontaines, H. DEL
- Florian, E. SC
1919-1951 Issues
B203 (
- MK503
- P-8
- Imprimerie: BdF
- ND (1921)
- 127 x 80mm
- Serial numbers only at bottom
B204e (
Blue, lt. Green, Red.
- MK504e
- P-9
Blue, lt. Green, Red.
- Imprimerie: BdF
- ND (1924)
- 127 x 80mm
- Sig 7
- Serial numbers at top and bottom
- Filigrane: BFK and CI within crown
B205a (
- MK505
- P-23Aa
- 1/8/1922
- 125 x 80mm
- with «Payables a vue...» text
- Filigrane: Lion
- Gaspé, E. SC
- Walhain, C. FEC
B206 (
- MK508
- P-11
- Imprimerie: BdF
- 4/5/1920
- 145 x 90mm
B207 (
- MK509
- P-17
- Imprimerie: BdF
- 4/5/1920
- 145 x 90mm
- Semblable au B206 but control numbers printed in Cartouche
B209c (
Blue, Brown.
- MK512
- P-18b
Blue, Brown.
- Imprimerie: BdF
- 14/11/1941
- 164 x 95mm
- Sig 7
- Filigrane: Lion in crescent, Star
- Semblable au B208 but control numbers printed in a Cartouche
- Duval, G. FEC
- Jouenne, L. SC
B210 (
- MK514
- P-13
- Imprimerie: BdF
- 13/9/1920
- 170 x 98mm
B211 (
- MK515
- P-19
- Imprimerie: BdF
- 12/6/1929
- 170 x 98mm
- Semblable au B210 but control numbers printed in Cartouche
B212d (
- MK516c
- P-21
- 1/3/1945
- 173 x 106mm
- Sig 12
- Type 1935, large format
- Filigrane: Lion
B213 (
- MK518
- P-14
- 16/12/1919
- 178 x 103mm
- Desfontaines, H. DEL
- Florian, E. SC
B214 (
- MK519
- P-20
- 1/7/1928
- 179 x 105mm
B216 (
- MK524
- P-16
- Imprimerie: BdF
- 1/2/1921
- 228 x 128mm
B217 (
- MK526
- P-23
- Imprimerie: BdF
- 28/9/1938
- 205 x 117mm
1943-1944 American Issues - WWII
1944 Emergency Issues
B303a (
- MK559
- P-43
- Imprimerie: Morocco
- 6/4/1944
- 42 x 40mm
- Cardboard
1948-1958 Issue
B227a (
- MK517
- P-44
- Imprimerie: BdF
- 2/12/1949
- 120 x 78mm
- Sig 12
- Type 1949, small format
- Filigrane: Lion
B228a (
- MK520
- P-45
- Imprimerie: BdF
- 22/12/1952
- 130 x 85mm
- Sig 12
- Filigrane: Lion facing; Lion profile
B229b (
- MK523b
- P-46
- Imprimerie: BdF
- 19/12/1956
- 142 x 92mm
- Sig 13
- Filigrane: Lion
B230a (
View of Rabat
- MK525a
- P-47
View of Rabat
- Imprimerie: BdF
- 18/1/1952
- 159 x 103mm
- Sig 12
- Filigrane: Lion
B231 (
Hydroelectric dam in Benimellal
- MK527
- P-49
Hydroelectric dam in Benimellal
- 2/4/1953
- 170 x 110mm
B232 (
Menara Gardens pavilion in Marrakech
- MK528
- P-50
Menara Gardens pavilion in Marrakech
- 13/8/1953
- 185 x 120mm
1953-1955 (1959) Provisional Dirham Issues
B237a (
Hydroelectric dam in Benimellal
- MK546
- P-51
Hydroelectric dam in Benimellal
- Imprimerie: BdF
- 23/7/1953
- 170 x 110mm
- Filigrane: Lion's Head
- Surcharge sur B231
1960-1969 Issue
- Lambert, P. FEC